Progress report
Progress report
Our contractor, Murphy, wrote to residents in December to explain that there would be a number of surveys carried out during December 2020 and January 2021. The latest update is below.
- The project is on schedule in spite of very poor weather conditions, and we have completed most of the excavation works.
- We will be digging four more archaeological trenches from 18 January 2021 onwards. They will take approximately seven working days to complete, weather permitting.
- We have tried to minimise the amount of green space we have had to dig up as much as possible and we intend to reopen the fenced-off areas as soon as the survey and site investigation work is completed.
- The wet weather has meant that it has been more difficult to reopen these areas than we expected because the surfaces are waterlogged and very muddy. This has meant that we have experienced more damage to the grass areas than we hoped. We sincerely apologise for this. Please rest assured that we intend to relay the grass as soon as we have a dry spell.
- We have experienced some vandalism of the site and fly-tipping locally. We have cleared this up, but if you do see any further anti-social behaviour please do report it immediately. You can call anonymously on 020 8724 8898, or speak to or speak to our on-site contractor, Murphy. They will do everything they can to minimise disruption to you and to keep noise and mess on site to an absolute minimum. If you have any concerns, please contact Paul Hart, Murphy Contracts Manager, phone 020 7267 4366 or email
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