Art in the Heart of Gascoigne

Be First is working with artists, schools and our contractors on a series of artworks that will be displayed on hoardings of development sites across the borough, to celebrate the history, heritage and the future of the area.
'Your Place' competition
These artworks by students at Gascoigne Primary School were all winners of the competition ‘Gascoigne Your Place’ run in 2020 during the first lockdown. We asked the school’s students to create a piece of art or write some words about their neighbourhood.
For the Early Years category, we asked entrants to draw or paint a picture of a place that they liked in their neighbourhood on their way to school.
For Key Stage 1, entrants had to draw a map of their journey to school highlighting interesting new buildings, places, streets, trees, playgrounds.
For Key Stage 2, entrants were asked to make a drawing and write a few sentences describing how their neighbourhood is changing due to the current construction and how they would like it to improve.
Winners and Artworks
Early years winners
My local area by Abdulrahmaan Mohammed, aged 5
'I drew a map of my house, my GP surgery, the park and my school'
Barking Town hall by Rithvi Vaddepally, aged 5
Rithvi celebrates many community festivals and events at Barking Town Hall, it is also on the way to school.
KS1 Winners
My school journey by Jevon Dai, aged 6
'On a typical school day I always walk past Greatfield park, one of my favourite places with my mum and sister, I like to play seesaw and swings with my sister. I think the huge slide is the coolest thing in the park. During spring, I see lots of pink cherry bloom trees and little flowers on my way to school. I am always excited to see these beautiful flowers.'
Barking Boathouse by Liyana Hossain, aged 6
This is where Liyana goes with her Dad for an evening walk. She has drawn the river Roding and the Boathouse. Liyana loves the building, the boats and the river.
Way to school by Pranav V Menon, aged 6
This is a map of his journey to school. Pranav marks out his journey on his map and includes key locations including Barking Town hall, Abbey park, the Abbey centre and the river Roding.
KS2 Winners
How I see my Barking! by Muhammad Qasim, aged 8
Muhammad has created a detailed map with drawings and text to describe how he sees his hometown. He writes the following; ‘I want better quality and affordable houses. More schools with more teachers. I am proud of the NHS during covid-19, it needs more nurses and doctors. Everyone should have the freedom to follow their religion. More gardens for children to play. More shops with healthy food. People should be encouraged to use public transport.’
My journey to school by Jenny Dai, aged 8
This is a detailed display of Jenny’s journey to school and key, important locations on her way, these are Barking town hall and the Broadway theatre, Barking library, Greatfields park, Abbey Leisure Centre. Jenny has written a detailed piece of writing about the improvements she would like to see on Gascoigne.

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