Heritage Workshops on the updated Conservation Area Appraisal - recordings now available

Thank you to everyone who attended the National Lottery Heritage Funded workshops on Heritage Conservation in Barking. The first workshop focused on the abbreviated ‘user-friendly guide’ to the Abbey and Barking Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan, and included practical advice for building & business owners and residents in the Conservation Area…

If you were unable to attend and would like to view the presentation, by Purcell Heritage Consultants, the video recording of Workshop 1 is attached in the bottom right hand corner of this webpage:


The second workshop provided a more detailed review of the conservation area appraisal & management plan and applying for planning permission within it. These workshops were run by historic conservation professionals and aimed to be accessible to everyone from shop owners to residents and supporters of local heritage.

Historic England presented the latest guidance on non-listed buildings in Barking Town Centre. They explained their role in designating and protecting heritage assets and also briefly touched upon guidance for looking after Locally Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas and other historic buildings.

You can find out more about decision-making within conservation areas, and how significance is assessed - looking at buildings which make a positive contribution to the character of conservation areas (and explaining the difference between positive & negative contributors) by visiting:


Both workshop recording are now available on this link - see the icons on the right hand side of the page...

If you would like further information on the Conservation Area Appraisal or User Guide please contact: Colin.Bannon@befirst.london

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