We've now submitted the planning application for Gascoigne
We have now submitted our planning application for the new homes for the Gascoigne Estate, on the corner of Gascoigne Road and St Paul’s Road. And, we would like to thank residents for the contributions they have made as a community during our consultation and engagement process.
Our application includes a summary of all the feedback we have received from you so far.
We expect the application to be considered by the November 2020 planning committee.
Between now and then the Council will consult residents formally - asking for views and suggestions.
You can see the full planning application on the Council’s website www.lbbd.gov.uk
The planning application number is: 20/01675/FULL. Type this number into the 'application Lookup' field.
The main points of our application
- We plan to build 386 top quality new homes for the Council
- More than sixty per cent of the new homes will be affordable, with rents starting at £135 a week, and the Council will let these to local people on the housing list
- There will be 350 sqm of community space – a residents’ hub – and an improved range of children’s play areas and a Multiple Use Games Area
- Existing properties at 1-55 Lindsell Road and 28-63 Hardwicke Street will be demolished
- The new homes will be among our greenest – connected to the local district energy network, and with solar panels and high insulation standards to reduce fuel bills
- The development is largely car-free with more than 700 cycle parking spaces as well as blue badge parking
Full details at https://yourcall.befirst.london/gascoigne-st-pauls
No internet or need a translation?
If you or any of your neighbours need any of our consultation materials translated, or can't access our website, please email their name and address to communities@befirst.london or call 020 3372 0707 and we will send information by post.