KS2 winner and runner up!
The KS2 Winner for the #gascoigneyourplace competition is 'My journey to school', by Jenny Dai, aged 8.
The judging panel were really impressed with the level of detail in Jenny's drawings and writing. The artwork is a detailed display of Jenny's journey to school and key important locations on her way, these are Barking town hall and the Broadway theatre, Barking library, Greatfields park, Abbey Leisure centre.
Jenny has written a detailed piece of writing about the improvements she would like to see on Gascoigne.
These are just a few of the points she makes; 'I think there should be more parks in the neighbourhood because outdoor learning and P.E are just as important as indoor learning.' 'I would like more clear areas for cycling and nature, with less cars and less carbon emissions. '
Well done Jenny!
The KS2 runner up is 'How I see my Barking', by Muhammad Qasim, aged 8.
The judging panel were really impressed with the attention to detail on Muhammad's drawing and the recommendations he makes for his home town Barking.
Muhammad has drawn a detailed map with drawing and text to describe how he sees Barking. He writes the following; 'I want better quality and affordable houses.
More schools with more teachers.
I am proud of the NHS during Covid-19, it needs more nurses and doctors.
Everyone should have the freedom to follow their religion.
More gardens for children to play.
More shops with healthy food.
People should be encouraged to use public transport'.
Well done Muhammad!
Consultation has concluded