New 'pop-up' pocket park

Plans to provide a pop-up pocket park on Abbey Road are underway.
The project is the result of ideas from the newly formed Gascoigne Residents Forum who are helping to co-design this space as a vibrant facility for the Gascoigne community at a time when outdoor public spaces have never been more important, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The small park will feature natural play area, a gym corner, seating and stage area for a space to relax in, a garden area, a large feasting table and a growing plot.
Sadia Ur-Rehman, Community Engagement Coordinator at Be First said: "We hope this will be a great space for residents to relax, exercise, play and even grow their own vegetables! There could also be opportunities for small events, communal dining and games and much more!"
Construction and landscaping of the park will begin over the next few weeks until early June 2021. We hope to involve residents through this process with some of the planting, growing and building, depending on Government guidelines on Covid-19. If you are interested in getting involved please email us at
This project has been funded by Wates Residential who have commissioned their landscape architects Fabrik to work closely with and co-design the pocket park with the Gascoigne Residents’ Forum.