Gascoigne Residents' Forum
At Be First, we believe that engagement with residents is the key to designing and building better spaces and buildings, the creation of an environment that nurtures community and wellbeing for all. To do this we need your help, we’re seeking to establish a residents' forum for Gascoigne that can work with Be First ensuring that the concerns, aspirations and priorities of local residents are understood and addressed as the estate develops.
We would like to recruit 12 local Gascoigne residents’ from all age groups and backgrounds to join our forum. No previous experience is necessary. We want to meet residents who have ideas about the local area and want to get involved. Initially, were seeking to run 5-6 2 hour online workshops between November 2020 and February 2021, with a number of projects and initiatives on Gascoigne that we will involve our newly formed Residents Forum in post February. Residents will receive a £20 voucher per session.
Please see the Information Pack with more detailed information and our Expression of Interest form. The Expression of Interest needs to be completed by Friday 30th October and emailed to If you need more info or require a paper copy of the form, please get in touch on 020 8227 5104.