Planning application submitted

Thank you for attending our consultation last year, we have processed the feedback given at the session and have amended our designs as a result. The majority of comments received were positive, so we are proposing only slight changes. The most significant is that there will be more affordable housing for residents. So, we have increased the heights slightly and the building will now be 5 storeys in height rather than a stepped design.
The council’s revised proposal is to build 63 high quality new homes and improved green space the size of 3 tennis courts on the corner of Rainham Road North and Oxlow Lane. The ambitious plan will result in an increase of 46 affordable energy efficient homes set within public and private green space. 23 car and 115 cycle parking spaces will also be provided.
The new building will be set back from Rainham Road North to allow for an enhanced public landscaped area and the retention of four existing mature trees. Wildflower planting will seek to improve this existing green strip and paths will give access to the new building across this landscaped area. The rear private amenity area will include green space, play equipment and tree and shrub planting.
The development will improve the quality and diversity of the housing offering a mix of types and tenures to increase the choices for local residents. The energy efficiency of homes will also be improved, reducing the running costs for residents and management costs for the council. The layout of the new homes will be designed to maximise daylight, ventilation and environmental performance.
If the plan is approved in 2020, construction work is likely to start in Spring 2021. Further information about the project will be issued in Spring 2020.
To make way for the development, the existing properties at 265-285 Rainham Road North and 291-301 Oxlow Lane will be demolished. Our staff will be visiting all residents starting in Spring to talk about how we can help them move home while the work is underway, and also about the option to return to the flats once they are rebuilt. A letter explaining this will be sent to all residents in advance of the visits.
What happens next?The planning application was submitted on 19th December 2019. The council's planning team will then carry out further public consultation before presenting the application to the Planning Committee in Spring 2020. If planning permission is granted, the works could start in 2021.