Minor updates to the 12 Thames Road design - now submitted!
We have now submitted an update to the planning application for 12 Thames Road (the 'Site') which seeks to deliver new affordable homes and modern business spaces.
The site is located on the corner of Thames Road and Crossness Road, and acts as a key entrance point into the Barking Riverside regeneration area. We would like to thank you for the contributions you have made as a community during our consultation and engagement process to date.
We have made a number of changes to our plans for the site since our consultation at the end of last year, and we have summarised the key points below. You will also be able to find an explanatory video under the "Video" Section of this forum. Our application also includes a summary of all the feedback we have received from you so far. We expect the application to be considered by the December 2020 planning committee. Between now and then the Council will consult you formally - asking for your views and suggestions.
We plan to build:
- 156 affordable new homes for the Council
- 60 trees
- improved landscaping
- green spaces and play areas, balconies and
- green roof terraces
- up to 5,000 square meters of light industrial units for new or expanding businesses
- 70% of hot water and heating to be provided by air source heat pumps
- Café reinstated on the corner of Thames Road and Crossness Road
Our ambition is to build the entire new development to meet the highest possible environmental standards. It’s an exciting project which will help to start to upgrade the local landscape and improve the connections between Barking Riverside and Thames View. If planning permission is granted, work could start on site in March 2021 and the development could be finished by the autumn 2023.