New homes at Margaret Bondfield Avenue
Across the country there is a desperate need for more housing, and in Barking and Dagenham the situation is no different. Homelessness among local residents is high and we need more affordable homes for local people.
To help tackle the housing shortage, the council is proposing to build temporary accommodation for local homeless families on the car park area at the north of Margaret Bondfield Avenue. The council has asked us, at Be First, to design suitable housing on the site.
We submitted proposals at the beginning of the year to build 15 new homes. But, following residents engagement and a meeting organised by Margaret Hodge MP and local Councillor Foyzur Rahman, a review of the project was agreed. We agreed to work with the council to look again at the plans to consider alternative uses for the buildings.
This review has now been completed, but we have found no viable alternative uses.
We have therefore submitted the planning application to the council for decision again. It remains largely as before, with only minor changes.
You can see the application - and all the supporting documents - on the Council's website(External link). The reference number of the planning application is 20/00040/FUL.