Strip out and demolition works to get underway

We have appointed Squibb Demolition to strip out and demolish Brockelbank Lodge.
In December Squibb will set up their site welfare facilities and start to clear the contents of the building and the fixtures and fittings (we call this soft strip works). They plan to start the demolition of the building towards the end of January 2022, and will issue a newsletter to update you about the works which are expected to be completed by early March 2022.
Initially, there may be intermittent noisy works associated with these activities during our working hours which are between 8am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. They will ensure noisy works are broken up with two 2-hour quiet hours in accordance with the guidelines issued by the local Environmental Health Officer.
They will take every reasonable action to protect nearby residents and commercial occupiers from noise, dust, and other environmental effects. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience that we may cause during our work.
The Site Manager for the contract is Simon Curtis who will be on site daily from 8am to 5pm and can be contacted on 07736 018465 for any information, questions, or general help you may require in relation to the works. If Simon is unavailable, please call Geoff Barlex – Contracts Manager on 07736 018442.
If at any time any problems occur out of hours you can call our 24-hour Liaison Manager, Paul Blanks on 07973 460 849.