Arise Phoenix Park!
The story of our park

The site was originally a row of empty houses in poor condition that were attracting unwanted antisocial behaviour. They were demolished as part of the Gascoigne west redevelopment. At the same time, the nearby Hardwick Street play area was due to close for refurbishment. Since it would be several years before new homes would be built there, the site offered the perfect opportunity for a temporary park.
This park is for local residents. So, why not have it designed by them? At Be First, we wanted to champion the idea of a resident co-designed pocket park and worked closely with the newly formed Gascoigne Residents Forum in a co-design process. The completed park is a testament to the genuine collaboration between Be First, Barking and Dagenham Council, Wates Residential, Fabrik and Urban Symbiotics with residents at the heart of the process. It is funded by Be First and Wates Residential with additional support from their social value commitments to the borough.
Co-creation - design by the community
The Gascoigne Residents' Forum (GRF) was established in October 2020 to ensure that the concerns, aspirations and priorities of local residents would be addressed and understood as the Gascoigne neighbourhood of Barking developed. We recruited 18 residents from a range of ages and backgrounds who live in the area. Over six weeks, we held online sessions with the new group to build their capacity and knowledge, to ensure they were able to take part in more deliberative discussions about the neighbourhood. These sessions included an insight into estate renewal, placemaking and the design process.
The pocket park was one of the first projects for the GRF and we agreed that a co-design process was required. In a series of workshops, designers became facilitators and community members became designers. Everyone worked collaboratively throughout the process to infuse ideas and to discuss and develop designs as they started to emerge.
Exercise, play, growing, contemplation
This park is a product of a genuine co-design process. It is designed around four themes identified by local residents - exercise, play, growing and contemplation. At the heart of the park is a stage area, which can be used for gatherings, events, communal dining, games and more.
The park includes a natural play area, a gym corner, a seating and stage area for relaxing in, a garden area, a large feasting table and a growing plot.
A sustainable legacy
The park has been constructed using materials that have been reclaimed from the demolition of the Gascoigne estate or waste construction materials where possible. Any new materials such as planting or trees, will have a final, permanent location in the Gascoigne neighbourhood once it has been built. The park will be a vibrant facility for the local community for approximately three to five years.