Great events this April at Phoenix Park

Don’t miss these upcoming events in Phoenix Park this April…
Easter Eggstravaganza in Phoenix Park
Tuesday 12 April 1-3pm
Wates Residential and the Barking Learning Centre are hosting an event for children and families to promote more involvement in the Park as the growing season commences. Come and plant up your own pot, play some fun Easter-themed games or take part in arts and crafts….and yes….THERE WILL BE CHOCOLATE!
Join the BIG DIG at Phoenix Park
Friday 22 April 9am – 3pm
Wates invites anyone to come and help us give a little TLC to Phoenix Park: clearing weeds and rubbish, turning over the soil and planting some lovely things for summer. If you want to help caretake this wonderful space, please get in touch with
Iftar event in Phoenix Park
Wednesday 27 April 8 – 9.30pm
Come and join local residents, Wates, Be First, Al-Noor mosque at the giant table in Phoenix Park to break fast. Please bring a dish to share with your neighbours and let’s celebrate together. Bring a prayer mat if you would like to pray (clean, separate areas for men and women provided). All are welcome at this event.