We welcome your thoughts on our Initial Main Modifications Consultation for the draft Local Plan!
Following submission of the draft Local Plan to the Secretary of State on 21 December 2021, we have undertaken preliminary examination hearings with the Planning Inspectors. These took place in July 2022 and highlighted a number of matters than need to be addressed within the draft Local Plan (Documents C1 and C2 on the examination website: https://yourcall.befirst.london/submission-documents) and between the draft Local Plan and the Policies Map (Document C3: Proposals Map, also available on the examination website) before the Local Plan can progress to the main examination hearings. These matters were also highlighted in the Inspector’s Next Steps Letter, which paused the examination and requested the Council undertake further work associated with the Green Belt and Gypsy and Travellers, and to consult on a number of changes to the submission Local Plan to rectify Drafting Errors identified in the submission Local Plan and on the submission Policies Map. The Inspectors Stage One Hearings Next Steps Letter can be viewed here.
Please note, this consultation is limited to the changes being proposed within the documents set out below. Please review our Consultation Cover Note for more details on the scope of the consultation and for next steps. For the avoidance of doubt, all representations made during the Reg 19 (1) and Reg 19 (2) consultations will be considered by the Inspectors, we do not require comments made previously to be repeated.
The consultation will run for 6 weeks between Thursday 22nd June 2023 and Monday 7th August 2023 We welcome your feedback on the modifications set out in the following two documents:
- Proposed Initial Main Modifications to the Barking and Dagenham Submission Local Plan (submission documents C1: ‘Regulation 19(2) Draft Local Plan 2021’, and C2: ‘Draft Local Plan Appendix 2: Proposed Site Allocations 2021’) – This document sets out the Proposed Initial Main Modifications for the Regulation 19 (2) Draft Local Plan (Document C1) and Draft Local Plan Appendix 2: Proposed Site Allocations (Document C2) intended to rectify the mapping discrepancies within the submission Local Plan and between the submission Local Plan and the submission Policies Map which may have caused confusion during the Regulation 19 (2) consultation.
- The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Submission Local Plan (submission documents C1: Regulation 19(2) Draft Local Plan 2021, and C2: Draft Local Plan Appendix 2: Proposed Site Allocations 2021) Proposed Amendments to the Submission Policies Map (C3) – This document set out the Proposed Submission Policies Map Modifications intended to rectify the mapping discrepancies between the submission Local Plan and submission Policies Map which may have caused confusion during the Regulation 19 (2) consultation.
To provide further clarification on the above, clean versions of the documents below are available for review. These incorporate the proposed modifications set out in the above, and are for illustrative purposes only. They are intended to assist in the reading of the two documents being consulted on (bullet points 1 and 2 above).
- For illustrative purposes only, the submission Local Plan Document C1 (Regulation 19(2) Local Plan) and a clean version of Local Plan Document C2 (Draft Local Plan Appendix 2: Proposed Site Allocations) incorporating the proposed modifications
- For illustrative purposes only, an updated version of the submission Policies Map to show the changes put forward in the Proposed Submission Policies Map Modifications document (‘The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Submission Local Plan (submission documents C1: Regulation 19(2) Draft Local Plan 2021, and C2: Draft Local Plan Appendix 2: Proposed Site Allocations 2021) Proposed Amendments to the Submission Policies Map (C3)’).
Accompanying Evidence Documents Available for Review
The following key evidence base documents that were not available at the time of the Regulation 19 (2) Local Plan but underpin some of the proposed changes set out as part of this consultation:
- Gypsy and Traveller Site Selection Paper [Updated June 2023]
- Annex A: Assessment of Sites following Regulation 18 (2)
- Annex B: Assessment of Sites with Planning Permission
- Annex C: Assessment of Additional Sites
- Gypsy and Traveller Sites Cabinet Paper [May 2023] – (Further information for Cabinet Meeting available here: Agenda for Cabinet on Tuesday, 23 May 2023, 7:00 pm | LBBD)
- Gypsy and Traveller Sites Cabinet Paper Supplementary [May 2023]
- Cabinet Minutes [May 2023] - Printed Draft Minutes
- Exceptional Circumstances Topic Paper [Updated June 2023]
- LBBD Green Belt Final Report April 2023
- LBBD Green Belt Final Report Annex 2023
- Green Belt Boundary Assessment Report April 2023
- Green Belt Boundary Assessment Annex April 2023
Additional Modifications
A running list of the additional modifications proposed to be made to the draft Local Plan is also available for review. These types of modifications encompass minor elements such as typos and factual updates. This document will continue to be reviewed as we progress through the examination. The first version of the document is available below:
Additional Modifications to the Barking and Dagenham Submission Local Plan (submission documents C1: Regulation 19(2) Draft Local Plan 2021, and C2: Draft Local Plan Appendix 2: Proposed Site Allocations 2021)
How can I submit a response?
You can submit response using our representation form: Representation Form.
You can submit responses via email to Planningpolicy@befirst.london.
Hard copies of the documents being consulted on, alongside any new evidence relevant to these changes, is also available in hard copy at Barking Town Hall and Dagenham Library. Postal submissions should be made to:
Planning Policy Team
Be First
5th Floor, MAKE IT Barking
15 Linton Road
IG11 8HE
If you are submitting a response via email or post and would like to be heard at the main hearings, please indicate this within the email/letter and/or your response. Please note, the final decision on who may be heard at the examination hearings is down to the discretion of the Inspectors.
Please also note, responses to this consultation will be published online. Names of those submitting representations will be shown, however other personal details such as email addresses or home addresses will be redacted.
Other documents:
Please see below for the previously available Sustainability Appraisal, Consultation Summary and Statement of Fact:
Regulation 19 (2) Sustainability Appraisal
Regulation 19 (2) Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary

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