KS1 Winners!

We are really pleased to announce that Akeem Osinake, aged 6 has won the Key Stage 1 (KS1) category of the Your Marks Gate competition with his artwork 'Windmill'. A detailed cardboard sculpture of Drake's Mill, a windmill that once stood near to Marks Manor.
Well done Akeem!
The second prize was awarded to Mohammad Mohid Saleem, aged 6 for his entry 'Heritage of our Marks Gate'. Muhammad created a colourful drawing that explores the heritage of Marks Gate with Drake's Windmill, Padnall Lake, Manor House and an apple tree from the orchard as a 'tree of unity between different communities that live on Marks Gate'.
Well done Muhammad!
And finally the third prize was awarded to Loki Bailey, aged 7 for his artwork 'Windmill and Lake'. Loki created a really interesting 3D artwork using found natural materials and drawing. The artwork references Padnall Lake and Drake Windmill.
Well done Loki!
Consultation has concluded